Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 1 of the 3-Day Walk

The highest highs & the lowest lows! So the walk went well! It was hard, I got blisters (like I knew I would), but it was a great experience, and I'm so glad I did it.

The local ABC station did a story on the walk, watch the video if you have some time.

Friday morning we got up super-early & my mom drove me & Candy up to Nat's Stadium, where we met up with Fremont, I got checked in, and watched the sun rise with 2,000 of our new co-commiserators, er . . . best friends. After a moving opening ceremony, we were off! Well . . . eventually . . . it was probably 30 or 40 minutes before we managed to get out of the starting gate - they scan everyone out before they go off, and when you get to camp - presumably to make sure they haven't lost someone somewhere along the course! 2 of us decided we immediately needed to use the restrooms. Hey, there was coffee, followed by a long wait, and my mom always said "Don't ever pass up a chance at a restroom." Which would become a sort of theme for the weekend. So off we went, stopping in for a cup of joe & a sausage biscuit at a McD's we walked right past (along with half the crowd). Day 1, we walked from Nat's stadium in SW DC (or is it considered SE? It's right on the dividing line), up north along the mall, where Team Turtle took advantage of a lone port-a-potty on the Mall, alongside the Solar Decathlon houses. First, but not last, nearly bursting bladder of the weekend. We walked past the Washington Monument, up past Union Station, through the tunnel in the Dept of Labor building, through Georgetown, through DuPont Circle and up to lunch at the Scottish Rites temple, notably featured (so I've heard), in the latest Dan Brown novel. After lunch we walked up north, past Dumbarton Oaks, the VP's house, embassy row (brushing up on our flag knowledge), and American University. We then caught a bus that took us to camp, which was at Avenel Park in Potomac, MD, right behind Congressional Country Club. I was diligent about attending to my blisters, so I managed to keep the couple that I got small. The best thing in the world for blisters is Second Skin. It's a hydrogel that you put on your blisters and hot spots. It's the best thing ever - better than my former go-to of moleskin (I still love you, moleskin!). I finished this day a bit discouraged, and not really liking the experience - basically we got back to camp, had to put our tent up & get our luggage, then we went and stood in line for dinner (For. Ev. Er.), then went & stood in line for showers. I don't think I had even gotten into the shower by lights-out time (9pm). They didn't turn the lights off until about 9:30, though.

Next Time: Will I feel better about the situation on day 2? Will my feet hold up? Days 2 & 3 summaries to come!

1 comment:

Jack said...

Hey there. Like your blog. And in light of your Life Lesson, I'd love you to check out this 30 sec video -- -- about the 'aha moment' of the woman who launched the Feel Your Boobies t-shirt campaign. If you like it, vote for it (with one simple click), as the top vote-getters will be used as aha moment TV commercials next year. And more exposure and awareness is always a good thing. Perhaps you'd even consider doing a blog post about the video/contest? That would really help spread the word.

Voting ends Oct 31.

Thanks for your consideration,