Saturday, February 21, 2009

Halfway Through!

Yowzer, it's been awhile since I posted anything. Well, the good news is, I'm halfway through chemo, and the lump is getting smaller. Hooray! I actually have to feel around to find it now - it almost feels like regular tissue. But it all seems to be going well. My last A+C treatment was Thursday, so I'm just in recovery mode right now. In two weeks, I'll start the Taxol regimen. That will be every two weeks for four rounds. So my next chemo appointments are March 5th, 19th, April 2nd & the last chemo will be April 16. Hooray! So not too much longer. Of course, then I'll have surgery and radiation, but eh, we'll deal with that later.

In hair news, I went over to my neighbors Randy & Glenn's house a couple of weeks ago & asked them to help me shave my head smooth. The little stubble I had was catching on the wigs & making it very uncomfortable. So they were great & pulled out the full-on shaving cream & razor (after the Manscaper wasn't quite doing it). Here's some pix:

Yes, that's some wine. How else are you going to shave your head?

Here's Glenn enjoying this a little too much, methinks.

"Did you just say 'oops'?? Eh, it'll grow back."

All done! Nice & smooth. And yes, you did a great job, Glenn. And boy, do I need some sun up there!

So my head was nice and smooth, and now some hair is still growing back! Man, I just assumed it would all fall out & stay out, but apparently not. It's just some of the hair, not all, and it's kind of annoying. Keep that razor out, guys, I might be coming back for some more! Thanks for the help! (and the vino!)


Anonymous said...

Please tear up a photo of the Pope and post on your blog!!

Burger Lars

RSM said...

You look beautiful. So glad to hear its halfway through and things look good. Will be thinking about you tomorrow! Rami