Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fundraiser OVER!

First off, buy my t-shirts! See But more on that later . . . .

And not a moment too soon! It was fun & it went well, but man, was it ever stressful! That is not a line of work I think I could do. Wow! Mad props to the people who do it. Especially Nichole, who helped me out - which is really understating it. She taught me everything I know! Thanks, Nikki! And next time you need any personal actuarial work done, you know where to go!

So thanks to everyone who could come to the fundraiser - and thanks to those who couldn't come, but bought raffle tickets! The evening was a success! I don't have final numbers in yet, but the total tally should be over $3,000 once everything is finalized. Hooray! So we are getting the other 2 members of Team Turtle up to par.

My big announcement is the t-shirts I have for sale now through Cafe Press. All of the net profits will be going to Team Turtle. There are various colors & sleeve-lengths (ok, only 2 of those - short & long), and they also come in men's and women's styling. I also have a tote bag & a mousepad. I admit it, I made those just for me. I'm sure I'll be the only one who buys them. But please buy one & if your friends ask where you got such a funny shirt, and where can they get one, please direct them to my cafepress shop! That address again is: This link is also on the toolbar on the left!

Tomorrow morning I go in for my tattoos for radiation. My first tattoos! Aw! They'll be doing all the physics stuff - getting the angles, etc. set up so when I go in for actual radiation they just line up the machine with the tats & start shooting. But before radiation starts, I'll be enjoying a long weekend in Bermuda! Oooooh, I can't wait!! I hope I can catch up with everyone. I will be staying with the hostess with the mostess - Sylvia! Can't wait to see you, girl! And your little girl! And boy! I head out Friday. Ah! It'll be so nice!

Oh, and check out the pictures my good friend & amazing photog Seth Kaplan took at my shutterfly page: Ignore the bad ones of me.

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